Thursday, July 31, 2008

Mum's Story & my Letter to OriginsNsw

"My name is Sarah, my Mother "N" was a patient of Crowne St Women's Hospital in 1970, and for years has not known the fate of her child who was born there.

My mother was only 14 at the time, I have read many similarities between what you have written in your Webpage about the treatment you endured, and what my Mother explains to me as having been done to her. She was unwed (obviously as she was underage as well so she was seen as completely unfit by all Hospital staff as to being capable of keeping her child). Like you, she had been booked in for a termination by a parent and couldnt go through with it, adamant she wanted to keep her child. On the day she gave birth, she was two weeks overdue. The week before when she had attended her Doctor's appointment, asking about her baby's lack of movement since being overdue, the Doctor used some kind of device to hear the heartbeat and assured her the baby was fine and living. (We now know that overdue baby's have less room to move and tend to decrease in activity at this late stage of pregnancy)

Two weeks overdue, she went into labour. Sent by ambulance from her work at 9.30 am, on her way to Crowne St Women's Hospital, the staff in the ambulance apparently knocked her out, she was given some kind of sedation and did not wake until the baby had already been born (no Ceasarian just this creepy idea of stripping young women of their right to be conscious while birthing their baby vaginally!!! suspicious much???). She awoke to her Mother patting her head, and telling her she was a very strong girl. Noone would tell her where her baby was, whether it was a boy or girl.Finally she was told by a young nurse after a day or so, that she had had a stillbirth, and that they were unable to tell the sex. I find this extremely suspicious, due to the fact that a decomposing body does NOT disintegrate at such a rate that genetalia is not visible after only one week even if submerged!!! Somehow my Mother has gotten the impression she had a son, she named him Jason. But no viewing was permitted, not by her nor her Mother who were both insisting they would like to view the child. No evidence was ever brought forward that he was indeed stillborn, just assurances by staff that they would not want to see the child and that "The choice has been made for you" (Supposedly by God?). There was no funeral arrangement permitted, and that was that, my Mother left without her baby and without any evidence of him having died at all. No proof, only strange and obscure medical treatment and blank walling.

I would like to know how we could possibly go about finding out the truth in this situation. Do you have any advice for us? I am wondering whether we can firstly, find out whether a baby born on the 02/04/1970 was adopted out of there, whether there was a death or partial birth certificate. Anything at all to prove either way what happened.

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