Thursday, July 31, 2008

The First Steps to Discover what really Happened

Well, today I contacted the Royal Women's Hospital in Randwick, in relation to retrieving my Mother's very important medical records for the Hospital at Crown Street that she had given birth in. I have gotten the ball rolling, with some request forms being sent directly to my Mother, so that she can find all the records that exist on her stay and her prenatal care for that Hospital.

I have also contacted DOCS Past Adoptions, and they have let me know of a way to search for the documents which tell us who signed over the Authority for the Adoption, and I have also had them send these requests directly to my Mother so we can start proceeding with that course of action also.

It is difficult to know if there will be any records left to show, but we can only pray that the universe is on our side, and that those medical files are miraculously in storage archives somewhere in Randwick.

It is going to be interesting to see how far we can get before there is a harsh obstacle in our way. I sure hope there never is one, and that our will is going to be great enough to finally get the truth.

After we have these records, if, we get these records, we can join support organisations through DOCS adoptions, and if Jason indeed lives, there are ways to find his name and medical records and for Mum to have a way to reunite again.

Wish us luck... :) we really need it at this point.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

All the best with your search, i hope your mother and family can get to the truth of what really happened.